
Giant Foam Dice

Created by Dark Elf Dice

Fun and Squishy Jumbo Dice Sets -- Bring Amazing Dice to Your Gaming Table

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fullfilling All Pledges -- Quick Update
about 1 month ago – Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 03:34:31 PM

Things are progressing well and most pledges have been fulfilled :) That said, we're still expecting two more consignments of Stretch Goal dice (Black and Rainbow). Our goal was to fulfill all pledges by the end of July, but as it stands we won't receive the rest of our dice until August.

  • Our first consignment is en route, and we expect to receive delivery from our production partner on August 6.
  • Our second consignment is on track to be completed and shipped by mid-month.

It's all hands on deck, as we eagerly await our two remaining shipments of Stretch Goal dice. As soon as the dice arrive, we'll prepare Pledges for shipping and mail out the packages as quickly as possible. 

  • Credit cards won't be charged for add-ons until we have the dice in hand and ready to ship.
  • As soon as your Pledge ships, you'll receive an email with the package's tracking number. 

We appreciate your patience and for being awesome! We're grateful for your support and will keep you updated as we finish fulfilling all Pledges.

Stretch Goal Colors Will Begin Shipping This Month
2 months ago – Mon, Jul 01, 2024 at 10:45:05 AM

A Quick Update

Things are progressing well as we fulfill all pledges :)

  • In June, we finished shipping pledges for Original colors (Blue, Green, Light Blue, Orange, Purple, Red and Yellow) -- one month earlier than expected.
  • It's now July, and we're shipping Stretch Goal colors (Black and Rainbow). Yay!
  • The Pledge Manager for Stretch Goal backers will remain open and credit cards won't be charged for add-ons until the dice are ready to ship.
  • Our goal is to ship all pledges by the end of the month. That said, we may not receive our final consignment until August. If this is the case, we may be shipping some pledges next month. We'll continue to keep you updated as we learn more.
  • We heard back from our supplier and they notified us that the color configuration for the Rainbow set may vary and may not be fixed as we originally anticipated. The Rainbow set will still consist of seven different colors (one Blue, Green, Light Blue, Orange, Purple, Red and Yellow die in each set), but the d20 may be green instead of light blue, etc. 

Original Colors - Pledge Manager is Being Locked
3 months ago – Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 07:42:21 AM

We're starting to ship Original colors -- one month earlier than projected :)

If you pledged for any of the original color dice sets (Blue, Green, Light Blue, Orange, Purple, Red or Yellow) + any add-ons (with the exception of Rainbow or Black Stretch Goal colors), your rewards will be shipped this month.

Just a friendly reminder that the pledge manager is being locked today, Monday, June 10.

  • Backers will have 48 hours to make any address changes.
  • On Wednesday, June 12, all credit cards used to pay for add-ons will be charged. Shipping addresses cannot be changed after this time!

Stretch Goal Colors -- production is going well :)

Production is still ongoing for the Rainbow and Black Stretch Goal colors. We anticipate being able to ship these rewards according to our original July estimate, and we'll keep you updated on our progress.

  • The Pledge Manager for Stretch Goal backers will remain open and credit cards won't be charged until the Rainbow and Black dice are completed and ready-to-ship.

Giant Foam Dice Shipping Schedule
3 months ago – Wed, May 29, 2024 at 05:43:10 PM

As mentioned in our previous update, we're going to begin shipping Pledges for the original colors in June -- one month earlier than projected :)

Original Colors - Pledge Manager is Being Locked

If you pledged for any of the original color dice sets (Blue, Green, Light Blue, Orange, Purple, Red or Yellow) + any add-ons (with the exception of Rainbow or Black Stretch Goal colors), your rewards will be shipped in June.

We're in the process of preparing the dice for shipment and will lock the pledge manager on Monday, June 10.

  • Backers will have 48 hours after this date to make any last minute changes to orders.
  • This includes a last chance to add any add-ons (please note: if you add-on Rainbow or Black your rewards won't be shipped until later, after the Stretch Goal colors are completed).
  • On Wednesday, June 12, all orders will automatically lock and all credit cards used to pay for add-ons will be charged. Shipping addresses cannot be changed after this time!

Stretch Goal Colors - Still in Production

Production is still ongoing for the Rainbow and Black Stretch Goal colors. We anticipate being able to ship these rewards according to our original July estimate, and we'll keep you updated on our progress.

  • The Pledge Manager for Stretch Goal backers will remain open and credit cards won't be charged until the Rainbow and Black dice are completed and ready-to-ship.
  • If you prefer not to wait and would like your rewards shipped in June, you can change your pledge from Rainbow or Black to one of the completed original colors. To do so, please reach out to us either through Kickstarter Messages or direct at [email protected] and we'll make the change and get your shipment going.

Giant Foam Dice production schedule
4 months ago – Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 08:44:47 PM

It's been a month since our last update and we have some good news to share :) As we mentioned previously, the dice are being made in stages (single colors first, followed by the Rainbow and Black Stretch Goal colors). As it turns out, we rolled a nat 20 and production is ahead of schedule. 

  • All original colors (Blue, Green, Light Blue, Orange, Red and Yellow) will be finished sooner than expected and we'll begin shipping in June -- one month earlier than projected!
  • Production is underway for the Stretch Goal colors (Rainbow and Black). Our estimated July ship date for these colors is still in effect. 

Next Steps

As soon as all original colors are in-hand, we'll lock the pledge manager for those Backers and begin charging credit cards for any add-ons purchased. This won't happen until early June, so there's still time to make address changes, etc. to your Survey.

The pledge manager will remain open for all Stretch Goal Backers. As soon as the Rainbow and Black dice are completed we'll post an update and lock the pledge manager. Credit cards for any add-ons purchased well be charged at that time. Our estimated goal is July.


There are still some Backers that haven't completed the pledge manager Survey. If you're having any difficulties, please reach out to us via Kickstarter messages or direct at [email protected].

Thanks again for making this project a reality!