
Giant Foam Dice

Created by Dark Elf Dice

Fun and Squishy Jumbo Dice Sets -- Bring Amazing Dice to Your Gaming Table

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Giant Foam Dice production is underway :)
6 months ago – Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 07:01:31 AM

Due to the overwhelming response to the pledge manager/Survey we sent out at the end of last month (90% response rate!) we were able to start dice production earlier than expected. As a result, dice production is well underway.

Next Steps

  • The dice are being made in stages -- single colors first, followed by the Stretch Goal colors (Rainbow and Black). We're still committed to fulfilling all pledges by the end of July and we're right on schedule.
  • Once production is finished, we'll lock the pledge manager and begin charging credit cards for any add-ons purchased. This won't happen for a few months yet, so there is still plenty of time to make any changes to your Survey (mailing address changes, add-ons, etc.). 

If You Haven't Completed The Survey

If you haven't completed the Survey we strongly encourage you to do so. We want you to have your rewards as soon as possible. If you have any questions or difficulties please reach out to us via Kickstarter messages or direct at [email protected]. We're always here to help :)

Surveys are coming this week!
7 months ago – Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 06:15:09 PM

Just a quick update letting our wonderful backers know that Surveys  are being sent out this week. We're using BackerKit to manage the  Surveys. BackerKit is a very popular pledge manager on Kickstarter, but if  you haven't completed one of their Surveys before, don't worry -- it's  easy-peasy :) We put together an informative how-to guide that walks you through each of the steps. Please refer to this  guide if you have any questions or contact us through Kickstarter or directly at [email protected].

How To Complete The Survey

1) The Email. You'll receive a Survey email either Tuesday or Wednesday.

  • The Survey is being sent to the email address you have listed with Kickstarter
  • The email will be from "Dark Elf Dice" with the subject line "Response Needed - Get your reward for Giant Foam Dice"
  • email addresses don't play nicely with BackerKit. If you have an email you'll need to reach out to us through Kickstarter Messages or at [email protected] so we can send you a direct link to your Survey.

2) Getting Started. After you click the email's "Click Here to Respond" button, you'll go to the Survey thank you page. Here you'll see:

  • Your Pledge (the money you already paid via Kickstarter for your rewards + the shipping amount)
  • Your Pledge Level (how many Giant Foam dice sets you pledged for)

Click the green "Get Started!" button to begin the Survey

3) Choose Your Rewards. The Survey starts  with the "Questions" section. This is where you get to choose what  rewards you want. There are a total of 9 different Giant Foam Dice colors to choose from!

  • First step: click the "Pick Color" section (located on the page's  right-hand side). Note: If you pledged for more than one dice set, you'll see  "Pick Color (1)", "Pick Color (2)", etc. Start with "Pick Color (1)"
  • Second step: select the Giant Foam dice set you want (located on the page's  left-hand side). Scroll down to see all 9 sets available. Each set will  be named and have its corresponding picture.
  • Once you select the dice set you want, a green check mark will appear in the "Pick Color" section.
  • Click the gray "Next" button at the bottom of the page and repeat this process for all dice sets you pledged for.
  • After you select all your dice, you'll have one more question you need to answer -- "Thank you for your support! Your pledge level items are already in your cart. Feel free to add extra items from the upcoming Add-ons page!" Click the "Sounds good!" button and then click "Next:Add-ons"

4) Choose Your Add-ons. In the "Add-ons" section, you'll have the opportunity to buy more dice -- including all Giant Foam Dice sets + the Magic Potion Dice sets from our previous Kickstarter + 27 other amazing dice for game night :)

  • You can click on the dice images to read a product description and learn more about the dice
  • Click the "Add to Cart" button to add the dice you want to your order
  • You can see the product cost and shipping price on the page's right-hand side (note: US and Canadian shipping is only $1.00 USD for each additional add-on and $2.00 USD per add-on for the rest of the world).
  • Add-ons are completely optional and you can simply click the "Not  interested" link on the page's right-hand corner to advance the Survey
  • If you did add-on extra dice, click the "Next" button to continue

5) Shipping. The "Shipping" section is  where you fill out your shipping information. This is the physical  address where your package is being mailed to.

  • Please make certain all information is completely filled out, including your full name, street address, and apartment number (if applicable)
  • Carefully double-check all the information! We can't be held responsible if you make a shipping address error and we send your package to the wrong address.

6) Confirm Your Order. This is it -- the  last part :) Carefully review your information including pledged items  selected, balance owed for any add-ons and your shipping address.

  • If you're not purchasing any add-ons, you don't owe any extra  money. Your balance is $0.00 and you can simply click the green "Place  My Order" button to complete the Survey.
  • If you're purchasing add-ons, you'll see the money owed and you  can complete payment with either a credit card or PayPal. Once payment  is made you can click the green "Place My Order" button to complete the  Survey.

Thank You! The Kickstarter has ended - Final Stretch Goal Unlocked!
7 months ago – Sat, Feb 10, 2024 at 11:04:58 AM

Our Kickstarter has ended! It’s been an exciting campaign, and we appreciate your help in bringing our newest project to life! We'll start full production on these beautiful Giant Foam dice sets as soon as Kickstarter releases the funds.

Next Steps - Survey

In approximately 2-3 weeks, we'll e-mail you a Survey from our BackerKit pledge manager. At this point, you'll be able to select the Giant Foam dice colors you want. The Survey will help us determine the exact dice quantities we need to make and will tell us where to ship your rewards :)

The Survey will also allow you to add additional Giant Foam dice sets to your pledge if you want, as well as any of the Magic Potion liquid core dice from our previous Kickstarter + a few additional goodies for all you dice goblins :)

One Last Surprise...

We were so close to unlocking the final stretch goal! As a big thank you to everyone who helped make this campaign a success, we have gone ahead and unlocked the Black color variant. It will be available as an option in the upcoming BackerKit pledge manager, so stay tuned! 

If all goes according to plan, we estimate that backers will receive their dice by the end of July 2024. We'll keep you updated on our progress!

Nat 20! The Rainbow Stretch Goal Is Now Unlocked
8 months ago – Sat, Jan 27, 2024 at 10:38:24 AM

Success! Thanks to your generous support, our project's funding exceeded $35,000 and the Rainbow Stretch Goal is now unlocked. Once the campaign ends, we'll be able to create Giant Foam Dice sets in the original 7 colors + the Rainbow assortment. 

The Rainbow assortment will come in the fixed color arrangement as shown below (light blue d20, red d6, etc). If there are any changes to this arrangement during production we'll be sure to update!

We have one Stretch Goal left! If funding reaches $50,000 in the next two weeks we'll be able to make the foam dice sets in black.

Thank you again for your support! :)

Thank you! Our Kickstarter is fully funded :)
9 months ago – Fri, Dec 29, 2023 at 10:12:55 AM

Thanks to your support, our Kickstarter was fully funded in less than 48 hours. You're amazing!

Once the Kickstarter ends and the funds are released, we'll immediately start production on all available colors (red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, blue, and purple)!

Our next mission? Let's try to hit $35,000 & $50,000 to unlock the Rainbow and Black color variants! Sharing this project via word of mouth is a big help, so don't forget to share on social media.

We truly appreciate your help in bringing our project to life! :) Full steam ahead and nat 20s for everyone!